Why we hate Trunks
Every new member to the anti-Trunks org will be asked to give me a really good reason why they hate him, it isn't allowed to be on this list, and after they join their reason will be added here.
If any Trunks fangirls are in here crying, feeling pity for their satanistic love, I laugh at you lots.
He is Vegeta's son. It's an insult to Vegeta to have such a gay son!!
He's a seijin. It's an insult to
seijins everywhere that he shares the same heritage!!
The purple hair. Purple is the international
gay colour. 'Nuf said.
When Trunks was a baby, he was SOOO ugly, even his mother thought so.
When Trunks was a baby, HE HAD DEVIL HORNS!!
I mean, that's gotta be telling ya something!!
He has a gay voice. His gay voice makes him sound gay. I'd never heard such a gay voice in all of my life.
It's gay.
Trunks has a sword. I mean, the only other person with a sword was Gohan when he
was little, and Yajorobi. And that
sorta speaks for itself. Trunks is
such a gay, cheaty fighter, he needs a sword because he can't fight hand-to-hand
for shit.
When he has long hair, he looks gay. He
is the most womanly looking character on all of DBZ.
He puts Bra and Bulma to shame!!
9.) His gay outfit. Trunks tries to show off his pecks through that black shirt, but they're man boobs. They sag too much to be pecks. They're pitiful. They look like old, damp sweat socks with a bit of sand at the bottom.
His feet look gay. This reason may seem pointless, but it's true.
Trunks had stupid feet with those crappy shoe things.
He tires to crack onto every male in the Son family.
Goku, Gohan and Goten. You
can see it!! Trunks is being more than friendly around these three!!
Trunks must be female because he's not a pervert.
The time Pan chucked her keys down her shirt and told Trunks to get them
in GT, instead of leaping at the chance, he got really pissed off and yelled at
her!! He's not a pervert, so he's either gay, or a woman.
He doesn't have as many shrines on the inter-net as Vegeta.
That's cool.
Everyone writes Goku - Trunks lemon fanfics / doshinji.
That's also saying something about how friendly Trunks is with the male
members of the Son family. It's
Trunks didn't go back in time to help the Z warriors help kill Freiza, he was
there to tell them about the Androids! He
was dumping his problem on them!! I
mean, it's not as if Freiza is a big problem or anything... *sarcasm*
He cross dress's. He must feel the woman soul burning inside of him or something.
However much I hate to think that Trunks is a female such as myself, he
acts like one. He's in denial about
being of the opposite sex.
Trunks doesn't feature at ALL in most of the Dragonball / Z / GT games available
because he's so crap, the game artists refuse to draw him. I agree.
(Super Nintendo and stuff like that)
Trunks has no balls. He doesn't stand up to anyone.
He should go to a shop and buys some.
Anything is better than that empty place between his legs.
19.) The Trunks fangirls are blind. He blinded every single one of them with his gayness. They need to be freed from his mind control.
20.) That many people hate him this shrine was opened just so they could hate him more.
22.) Trunks goes back in time to see his former self, one Trunks is enough in one episode, please.
23.) He goes back in time and cracks into his mum. It's not our fault he can't get laid 'cause he's gay, but I don't think they should be showing that kinda stuff on t.v.
24.) He's so dumb he needs to have the words 'Capsule Corp' written on his clothes so he can remember where he lives.
25.) They now sell Trunks figurines. As if a picture of him on paper wasn't enough, they have to make models. Can't FUNimation spare us?!
26.) He's a demi-seijin like Bra, Goten and Gohan. I really pity those poor kids for being in the same sorta group as Trunks, their poor, fragile childhoods!
27.) If I have to see another Trunks fangirl again pratting about him I'm gonna puke. The world can do without him infesting the brains of others and making me throw up everywhere.
28.) He gets beat up by his dad, and I bet he goes around saying 'Daddy doesn't love me anymore!' News flash Trunks, YOU SUCK! WE HATE YOU!
29.) Trunks reminds me of Pikachu somehow. I think it's because they're both as crap as each other.
30.) He tries to do the 'arms crossed frowning' thing that Vegeta does very well. But he can't. He's to crap to pull something sooo cool off without stuffing up half-way through.
31.) Trunks is actually stars as the purple 'teletubbie,' Tinkie Winky. It's because FUNimation refuse to pay him, and threw him out on the streets so he was forced to get another job.
32.) During the 'Cell saga,' his fringe didn't have an ending line. They didn't have any horizontal lines because the artists couldn't be bothered wasting their coffee breaks on him.
33.) He's an insult to women everywhere to try and act like one.
34.) His blue jacket doesn't fit him. He's too dumb to realize that it's too small. Again, too crap to have many brains.
35.) In the 'Cell saga,' he couldn't beat Cell until he went back to where he came from and destroyed his 'imperfect form,' before he had absorbed the Androids. That shows how crap he is. Give it up fangirls, stop living in denial, Trunks is crap.
36.) When Trunks is little he keeps pulling his pants down. He's a horny little bastard, and should be sued for 'indecent exposure.'
37.) His name is Trunks Briefs. Think about that really hard for a few minutes, his name is 'pants pants.' o_0;
38.) He insults gay anime characters, i.e. Kaoru, Lee-kun, Milphrey, Nuriko, need I go on?
39.) He insults cool cross-dressing characters, i.e. Nuriko, Kojiro (James) and Nuriko.
40.) This reason is for all you Trunks fangirls out there. There is something waaaaay better, follow THIS LINK to find out. Trunks is crap. 'nuff said.
41.) Trunks isn't prince material. Again, follow the link above and see many far more worthy contenders.
42.) No guy is that nice. That is of course unless they're gay, or mentally deranged. Take your pick.
43.) He has an undercut. Only bogans and homeless people have that haircut.
44.) When he goes ssj, his hair flares up so strange it looks like he's been savaged by a psychotic pikachu.
45.) Another point to the disgusting way Trunks pulls his pants down, that blinded me! I'm scarred for life! I'd rather see Master Roshi's wrinkly hiney than Trunks'.
46.) Trunks is mean to Goten, when he's not cracking onto the poor little guy, Trunks is being mean!
47.) What kinda of pedophilia loving bitch is Trunks?! HE BLUSHES WHENEVER HIS MUM TALKS TO HIM!!