Trunks Jokes
Aside from bagging the crap out of the little spawn that is Trunks, we can also tell humorous jokes about him! Just sit back and get ready to laugh!
Q. What do you do if you see Trunks infront of you with half his head blown away?
A. Stop laughing and reload.
Q. Why do birds fly upside down over Trunks?
A. He's not worth shitt'n on.
Q. What kind of fruit do you get when you cross Goten and Trunks?
A. A gay pair.
Q. When is Trunks most gay?
A. When-ever he wants to be.
Q. What is a Trunks?
A. A faggot
Q. What do you get if you cross Yajorobi and Trunks?
A. A fat faggot who relies on a sword. (Oops, I forgot, he already relied on his sword. The cheating bitch!)
Misc. Jokes:
Q. What have got when you have one dragonball in your left hand, and one dragonball in your right hand?
A. The dragon's full attention!