Why we STILL love purple and gay
Some people seem to think that because I seem to make mean comments about Trunks being incredibly gay, means I am homophobic. FAR FROM IT!! I love yoai and yuri!
And this section is to prove that you can still have purple hair AND be gay / crossdress without Trunks giving you a bad name with the way he flaunts around everywhere.
Nuriko is a great example! He is an amazingly beautiful guy with a big heart and an amazing personality. At the start of the series where they first meet this purple babe, he was dressed as a girl and Hotohori was even thinking about asking Nuriko to marry him! Don't worry Nuriko-sama, we won't let the little bitch Trunks give you a bad name!
Milphrey is my second example, he also has pretty purple hair an a great personality. He's also an amazingly skilled warrior as he is the leader of the Haz Knight army! A WHOLE ARMY! SUCK MY ASS TRUNKS! *ahem* Anyway, as I was saying, Milphrey is also gay. Carrot Glace is the very young man that has stolen away this warrior's heart, and Milphrey goes to many lengths to get what he wants! YU GO - GUY!!
There, I hope that proves to you guys that my and my vice prez Jester, ARE NOT HOMOPHOBIC. YOAI FOREVER!!